With Hunter Black & Kaleb Twilliger
There’s a new Training Circular 8-800, Medical Education & Demonstration of Individual Competence (MEDIC), and it is a major change from the last version. This episode is a deep dive into the new 2021 TC update with the primary enlisted authors, MSG Kaleb Twilligear and MSG Hunter Black. Listen up as they talk about returning the responsibility for a ready medical force to the NCO level.
Key Points
- TC 8-800 has always represented a minimum standard of training. You are welcome to adapt your training to accommodate advances in medicine, the unique tactical considerations of your unit, and the guidance of your medical director.
- The new TC 8-800 specifically mentions TCCC guidelines and references the Joint Trauma System to allow you to incorporate the latest changes in combat casualty care at all levels.
- The intent of the authors was to allow medical trainers some latitude in how they deliver instruction and to maintain a consistently high standard.
F2s are the most highly trained medics in the conventional force, and we have a responsibility both as medics and NCOs to be familiar with these documents and ensure that we are meeting the standards they set forth.
The instructor development course mentioned in this episode was the Common Faculty Development-Instructor Course (CFDIC), (School: 907D; Course 9E-SI5K/920-SQI8).
Kaleb mentioned the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report GAO 21-337 entitled “Defense Health Care: Actions Needed to Define and Sustain Wartime Medical Skills for Enlisted Personnel” published in June of 2021. (https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-21-337)
Max mentioned the Joint Trauma System (JTS) After Action Report (AAR) Submission page. You can find that here: https://jts.amedd.army.mil/index.cfm/documents/forms_after_action
Max also cited a paper that suggests Army physician medical director awareness of TCCC guidelines is correlated with their medics’ ability to practice TCCC effectively.
- Gurney JM, Stern CA, Kotwal RS, et al. Tactical Combat Casualty Care Training, Knowledge, and Utilization in the U.S. Army. Military Medicine. 2020;185(S1):500-507. doi:10.1093/milmed/usz303
You can download the newest version of TC 8-800 without a CAC here: https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1023763

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