With Dr. Steven Bradley, MD
Dr. Steven Bradley joins us to discuss the SMOG Propofol guideline, along with sedation and analgesia pearls.
Lieutenant Commander Bradley is a U.S. Navy anesthesiologist, and he is very active in mentoring aspiring physicians.
During the episode, Trevor mentions the Military Enroute Care Performance Improvement Report 2019 Events, as well as Tyler Christifulli’s 2018 FOAMfrat article on post-intubation strategies. Trevor also discusses using the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS). You can find an easy-to-use version of the RASS on page 29 of the Joint Trauma System’s Pain, Anxiety and Delirium Guideline (CPG ID: 29). It’s definitely a good one to print out and keep handy.
If you want to use this episode as part of your Table VIII medical training, use the following tasks per TC 8-800:
- 081-831-0010, Measure a Patient’s Respirations
- 081-833-0034, Manage an Intravenous Infusion
Check out the episode below, or wherever you listen!
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